Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Outfits

Hey there!
We saw that Maddie was doing a fall party, and we couldn't resist making some fall outfits too! While we usually try to only do pictures of the clothes we make, today we were just focusing on making fall outfits, so we dug around and found some old clothes that looked fallish. So here's a mix-matched post of handmade and not handmade, and old and new!
Here is a dress that Bella made. The "earrings" are pins that we bought at Joannes.

 This outfit was made by both of us! Bella made the purple shirt and I, Grace, made the skirt. The necklace is just some broken chain. We reattached the ends of the chain with a tiny piece of wire.

 This outfit was made entirely by Bella! She sewed the khaki skirt, but the shirt was actually made with a glue gun!

 Bella made this shirt, and we're not really sure who made the scarf.... The pants are just a pair we've had for forever.

 Bella made the green skirt, and we bought the sweater. Same necklace as before. Earrings are also from Joannes.

The skirt in this outfit was originally a shirt, but we refashioned it! (you can still see the threads hanging off of it where there used to be seams. shh)! Grace made the shirt, and leggings were something we had.

Shirt made by Bella, skirt made by Grace.

Bella made this skirt and this shirt.

What do you all think?